Membership Payment System
Membership Payment System or e-commerce solution for your website. We are offering a great service here on our website. You may operate your current website on our cloud web hosting or with another company. I will recommend you to make the switch though. Why? Because we have the best web hosting services available. You will not need another person to manage your entire website online presence. Webmaster’s and graphic designer’s are on deck. Yes one company that does it all, web programming, design and implementations.
Our cloud web hosting is just super lightning FAST! We do not like slow here, we like fast, reliable and most of all SECURE! Website security is our number one service with all website services. Membership Payment System is a great way to accept and charge online credit card transactions. You cannot go wrong owning and operating a online business. Best of all, accepting credit cards online and just making money. If you own a business and want to accept credit cards, I mean any type of business, we can help you today.
Payment Solutions
You may see the product here and purchase it. There is a installation and set up fee. The setup installation fee will only be a one time set up fee. We have a monthly recurring fee that we will need to apply for this great service. The monthly fee will help your website and system be updated, configured correctly and to be working properly. Making changes to your Membership Payment System plus add or delete data. You need to be sure and be aware that your system be working properly at all times. This will give you the confidence needed to operate such a system. This monthly fee will also help you for any future changes and implementation, we need to protect the system so it is 100% secure.
SSL Certificate
You must install a SSL certificate for any online credit card transaction. Here at CloudXWebhosting can help you with all your SSL Cetificate installations. If for any reason you forgot to add the SSL certificate to your web hosting account, please go ahead to our online store to purchase one. After purchasing the SSL we can go ahead and install and configure to your existing site. SSL certificates is that pad lock you see on any website that has it. This means the website is secured and ready to accept creadit card transactions. This gives all your clients the confidence and good feeling to buy from you.
A hacker can intercept data if for some reason you don’t have a SSL certificate on your site. You will definitely lose customer’s if you don’t have a SSL on your site. Go ahead and add it to your website account or just purchase a plan that has it. The best way to save money is just to pick a web hosting plan that has SSL. Membership Payment System or any e-Commerce module installed on your new or existing website. I am offering a great service for your site. Yes, take advantage of this great deal, invest a little money on what is very worth it for you.
Best Payment Systems
I will help you all the way and recommend you the best options. Options and services to launch and implement your Membership Payment System. The membership system works on locking any category, pages or blog posts. You can restrict a page on your site by level. Yes a level system that protect pages to non-paying customers. What a great way to start your membership system online. Maybe you want to have restricted images on your site or videos? Whatever you need is fine with us. We are here to help you.
Ask for more info. by contacting our contact form or our phone numbers. The service that we provide is with a monthly recurring fee, if for some reason you want to waive the monthly fee, please contact us so we can negotiate a one time fee for the installation and just a one time fee amount. I am here to work with you on all your endeavors.
Great Services
Remember to check our other great services like website design and development plus graphic design and domain name registrations. Cloud web hosting services for your business will never be the same again. Saving money with us is the best great option that I am offering to you. The GREAT PROFESSIONAL services is just one of the best option to go with!
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